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In The Spotlight - RiskSmart

全球最大的博彩平台数字,我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. 本周我们将与RiskSmart的创始人Ryan Swann进行对话.

What does your organisation do?


Sounds simple, right?

That’s because its purpose is. 我们在这里不仅仅是为了让风险专业人士的生活更轻松——他们在历史上一直得不到充分的服务.

We’re here to help them excel at their work, 删减冗赘,让他们得到应有的认可.

But on a technical level, 与之前的GRC世界相比,RiskSmart是一项更先进的技术.

It provides a hub for all things risk management: an in-built library of customisable risks; quantifiable risk scores so you know when to take action; data-driven insights for smarter decision making; and our very own artificial intelligence, ARi, that helps ensure your risk management is future-facing.

为了应对当今充满挑战的经济环境,企业需要授权. 有信心地管理风险是增长的关键——而这正是RiskSmart在这里帮助您做的.



我们都知道科技为现代世界提供了许多关键的解决方案. 很多时候,我们给他们应有的赞扬,从一个潮流跳到另一个潮流.

Occasionally, though, 这意味着一些新技术的渗透可能会分散人们对更大问题的注意力.

没有人否认加密货币和nft已经或将继续产生的文化影响. The reality is, though, 英国经济正面临衰退,生活成本危机已经开始产生影响.

企业和消费者都需要对人们产生切实影响的解决方案, planet, and profit.

The accessibility of tech is vital, too.



If we can’t manage that? Well, we’ll start to see the tech sector lose talent. It’s already happening.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?


Most businesses don’t make it this far, 因此,我们准备将RiskSmart提升到一个新的水平,并在此过程中不断学习,这并不是我们认为理所当然的事情.


As an out-of-nowhere tech brand, 当然,我们对自己的主张和技术很有信心, we were (and are!). But that doesn’t mean you’re going to land gracefully.

Thankfully, we did. 在获得100万英镑的投资后,我们于8月份向公众推出了RiskSmart.

Since then, 我们在30多份出版物中担任主角,并在LinkedIn上迅速积累了700多名自然粉丝.

And the most exciting thing? We’re just getting started.


Risk management hasn’t changed significantly in years.

自世纪之交以来,我们已经知道数字威胁是我们最大的担忧. Outside of, you know, pandemics.

In some ways, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s comfort in familiarity and risk in change. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The problem for us, though, as former risk professionals ourselves, is that we think some of it is broken. Or, at least, it’s fallen into a bit of disrepair.

风险管理者是思想开放的批判性思想家,我们都应该为此感到高兴. But to truly convince that there’s a better, 当他们的业务运营处于危险之中时,如何更有效地管理风险将是一个挑战.

需要注意的最重要的一点是,Risksmart并不是要取代风险专业人士, far from it. 我们按照您的工作方式工作,因此我们将在您现有的任何软件或流程旁边插入.


Macroeconomic changes aside, 我们完全没有理由相信全球最大的博彩平台科技行业的未来不会像以往一样光明.



They know how this stuff works. They’re brimming with new ideas and unprecedented enthusiasm. If anything, we may be about to be schooled.

And as for the tech that’s already out there, it’s becoming adopted at rates like we haven’t seen before, whether it’s B2B or B2C.

Tech is here in Manchester, and it’s here to stay.


Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

We’re passionate about giving back.

For example, we’ve registered as a pending B-Corp. 商业应该关注人、地球和利润——但太多的人只是追求后者.

Other than that, we’re a bunch of nerds - plain and simple.

我们最近在社交媒体上发布的一篇文章是全球最大的博彩平台电影行业风险管理不善的例子, and to us, the risk bowtie framework is a risk TIE fighter instead.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not... 但当你在演示或打电话给我们时,请随时与我们聊天.

Just know that the conversation might take a lengthy detour.

Thank you Ryan!

To find out more about RiskSmart, click here.

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全球最大的博彩平台数字,我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. 本周我们将与RiskSmart的创始人Ryan Swann进行对话.

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